Drip Drops- DROPS!

Check out the write-up from "ToysrEvil I like Toys" Blog
Andy does a GREAT job with the posting of the Show and Pictures of the Figures. I can only hope to have such control with my pictures here on the Blog. If you are interested in purchasing any of the Drip Drops (all still available) Please write to MonsterBotStudio@gmail.com with your request. Each figure is $35.00 usd and if you sign up to follow MonsterBotStudio's Blog Shipping is FREE!

The show where Drip Drop will be Dropping on.

Designer Toy Holiday Show!

Well here is Drip Drop ready for the show. Selling for 35.00 usd this is the first in the Drip Drop Series. Also as you can see I have a very hard time controlling how the image show up on the blog. I am still working on it but it does not help that I do not have photo shop any more and I have to rely on illustrator for so much! I need a Blogger's class.

Frugi update and another working project Mexipins.