Autumn Art Fest

Fall is here and there are TONS of events happening all over. A lot has past by the time this post is up but there are still lots more going on like...

November 6th @ South Side on Lamar in the Janette Kennedy Gallery

Art of the Skate Board is an art action event benefiting Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. You have to buy tickets to join in the activities. This is my first year attending this event and already there are some great work to be my board Double Deck!

Next event is Kringle: An Art & Craft Show on Dec 11th at Pearl in down town Dallas. Check the twitter feed for the progress shots of those toys!


Hope everyone had a great 4th of July! If you had probably noticed leading up to the 4th my MonsterBot went up for sale in the shop. What I didn't expect was the overwhelming response to the figures! Mostly this was due the posting on Spanky Stokes blog. All 5 figures were gone overnight. Didn't even have time to post it here(sorry!). So I will be make move this time so check out the Twitter page for the progression of the next set of MonsterBots!

Be on the look out!
Free Toys will be left behind at special events! I will be posting the when and wheres on the Twitter feed along with a snap shop of it's surroundings. Free for the taking for anyone to stumble across! I have already done this once over at We Are 1976! Here is what was left behind at the store...

If you find any of my Free Toys send me a pic and I will post up on the site!
Happy Hunting!

Out and About

It's a summer slow down. No new projects happen but the studio is repairing some toys for there owners before moving forward with the next phase of monsterbot studio. In other news, I have been heading out and taking in some gallery shows that have been happening around town.
First up was SOMETIMES solo show of Lisa Lindholm
I didn't get a chance to take pictures of the opening show but really great work. I like the contrast between what looked pixelated and what was more defined. I also got a good chuckle over the series of paintings(?) that are of maps with what looks like screen printed text on top. Most of the text was some remark about that place on the map.

I also attended the ROYGBIV two person show with Kasten Searles and Edward Ruiz. Very hip artwork from both artist. I believe this was Edwards first time showing off his light projection installations in a gallery space, very groovy. He let me have a sneak peek at some of the ideas he was working on, and I know they are only going to get more elaborate! Kasten's almost life sized work was very pop and had the over all feeling I was in high school again with the hot cool girls starring me down, which is good.

Finally I went to the Luck13 show featuring:Clint Scism, Ange Fitzgerald ,Mark Nelson ,Dan Colcer ,Cathryn Colcer ,Turner Vanblarcum ,Hellbilly Delux Hats ,Tyson Summers ,Joe Bowden Sr. ,Brittany Paige ,Daniel Perez ,JetArt ,Jeff Kiec
Big art show lot of artist tucked in every corning of the space. I have to say my favorites were Daniel Perez and Tyson Summers. Tyson's new work is a little bit more on the abstract side this time around which caught me off guard because I saw it from across the room and liked it. I don't normally like that type of stuff, but once I got up close to it and saw who it was it made perfect sense. Daniels work I always enjoy seeing because of his use of comics or iconic figures of the nerdy kind. What I was most surprised about was the painting of Admiral Ackbar has still not been sold. I saw in another show and could of sworn that it was bought up. This is a Kill piece of nerd art! Hopefully posting it here it will find a good home...and not tempt me any more...IT's A TRAP!

On May 26 9pm Central Time the MonsterBot Studio Shop will open with New TOYS! Fresh from there shows in Dallas, and my toys shelves can't contain them any more. Give these guys a good home in your collection. As each figure is sold it will be replaced by another figure in that series. Thank you all very much for your support!

MonsterMac Show is over. We had a great time and got to show off all our hard work! What was unexpected was me to leave with a new toy! Picture above with my Custom MonsterBot Munny and Colossus My little Pony is a custom Raffy done by Juliet Phillips(age 9). It's simply design look just right when juxtaposition to my figures, I had to take it home! Also shown for the first time was the finished Collaboration of MacIX and MonsterBot Studio Mega Munny and Tofu.

The studio is taking a break(?)from showing locally til the fall. In the mean time There needs to be some space made and some special projects needing some backing! TIME TO UNLEASH THE MONSTERBOT STUDIO STORE! Toys from both shows will be up for grabs! The Opening will be starting on Wednesday! See you then!

Monster Mac Custome Toy show @ Pearl At Commerce

2 BAGS OF AWESOMENESS! It may contain toys or Broccoli. Be there to Find out on Friday May 14th! Free Drawing!

Upcoming and Current Events!

Take Me to Your Art Show is still up over at Avenue Arts Venue for a limited time. It's only a short trip to then pop over at Fair Park to view the newest toys from MonsterBot Studio and Edward Ruiz. Go to the MonsterBot Flickr Page to check out what will be on display!

Special prizes are in store for the attendees of the Dallas Dr. Sketchy Session on May 1st where the session ending prizes are from MonsterBot Studio.

If you're in Lincoln, Nebraska, head on over to the Qeeology Art Show to check out my newest creation, Dirty Duck on Friday, May 7th at Marz Martini Bar.

Coming to the Pearl at Commerce (Upstairs Gallery) Friday, May 14th, for 1 night only is MonsterMac Custom Toy Show.

MonsterBot Studio has teamed up with toy customizer MacIX (Cody Phillips)

Toys Music, and Prizes. 7pm-9pm no cover!

As always, folks, don't forget to keep up to speed with MonsterBot Studio by following on Twitter: MonsterBot Toys

It's NEW!

Patience pays off. I have expanded MonsterBot Studio to the new age. I have made a pact with myself to get out more and get more involved with the community. In doing so the Blog here will highlight some of the events I will be attending. The blog will, as always, be the detailed source for the latest MonsterBot Studio news/toys!
For the more about the process follow the studio on twitter! Check in on Tuesdays and Thursdays for latest progress shots of current toy making.
Also New is the MonsterBot Store! check it out!
Let me know what you think of these changes

Back in Action!

The studio is back and already has produced some new work! The Colossus, is the newest peace to come from the studio since the big move. I was at Kettle Art Gallery for their "For the Love of Kettle" show on last Saturday. Here are some progress pics and as always more work to come!