MonsterMac Show is over. We had a great time and got to show off all our hard work! What was unexpected was me to leave with a new toy! Picture above with my Custom MonsterBot Munny and Colossus My little Pony is a custom Raffy done by Juliet Phillips(age 9). It's simply design look just right when juxtaposition to my figures, I had to take it home! Also shown for the first time was the finished Collaboration of MacIX and MonsterBot Studio Mega Munny and Tofu.

The studio is taking a break(?)from showing locally til the fall. In the mean time There needs to be some space made and some special projects needing some backing! TIME TO UNLEASH THE MONSTERBOT STUDIO STORE! Toys from both shows will be up for grabs! The Opening will be starting on Wednesday! See you then!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very Colorful Collection. I like the toys. My kid is very much addicted to the toys, especially the Godzilla Toys. She loves it very much.